Site located on B1256, Takeley Street. Fields between Thremhall Park to Stansted Airport Lodge.
Developer Plans Submitted For 67 Acre Industrial Site.
What Can I Do To Help?
There aren’t enough hours in the day and we all live busy lives, but THIS AFFECTS US ALL.
This website has been created by residents of Takeley Street to help residents of surrounding villages fully understand the development in terms of what it means to you, and not only what the developers want you to know.
Help Us
By helping us raise awareness of this proposed development and increasing the number of objections, we can make it more difficult for the developer to secure approval.
Protect The Countryside
Protect our countryside views. Prevent the spread of industrial activity from the airport into the villages.
Save Takeley Street
Object to the development to avoid severe congestion and gridlock on the B1256 and M11 Junction 8.